General Information:
As a continuing education presenter, you are committing to three, in-person presentations on three consecutive days:
Tuesdays - Pensacola
12 - 1 pm Central
Bowden Building, Room 1
120 Church St
Pensacola, FL 32502
Wednesdays - Panama City
12 - 1 pm Central
Bay County Chamber of Commerce
Boardroom, 235 W 5th St
Panama City, FL 32401
Thursdays - Destin
12 - 1 pm Central
DAG Architects
1223 Airport Rd
Destin, FL 32541
These locations may be subject to change. You will be notified of a venue change. Attendance averages about 25 people for the Pensacola presentation, and 5-10 each for the Panama City and Destin presentations.
Available Dates:
January 21-23 / SOLD
February 18-20 / SOLD
March 18-20 / SOLD
April 15-17 / SOLD
May 20-22 / SOLD
June 17-19 - SOLD
July 15-17 / SOLD
August 19-21 / SOLD
September 16-18 / SOLD
October 21-23 / SOLD
November 11-13
December 9-11 / SOLD
Any of these dates may be converted into a single webinar date by a continuing education presenter. In the interest of holding in-person events and fostering fellowship among members, AIA Florida Northwest will only offer three webinar slots annually on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact for availability.
If you are interested in holding a more specialized continuing education event with AIA Florida Northwest, please contact to discuss your proposal.
The presentation fee is $200. This fee must be paid no later than the first of the month of the scheduled presentation. Failure to pay may result in cancellation of your presenter reservation.
Presenter Responsibilities:
The presenter is responsible for ordering, payment, and delivery of lunches, including any delivery fees, taxes, and gratuities. We do have members with dietary restrictions and we ask that those be accommodated whenever possible.
The presenter is responsible for bringing any equipment necessary to connect to the room’s AV system. AIA Florida Northwest will not provide projectors, extension cords, or laptops for use in the presentation. If equipment needs to be rented from a venue, the presenter is also responsible for those fees. The room rental will have a screen available for use. All venues have a screen or monitor and access/hookup to your laptop.
As an AIA CEU provider, only courses with HSW credit may be presented. If your course is not approved for HSW credit, please contact .
You must report attendees’ credits within 10 business days of the date of presentation. All presenters must distribute certificates to attendees upon their request. Webinar presenters must collect all data required for reporting credits.
AIA Florida Northwest Responsibilities:
AIA Florida Northwest will schedule the room rental. We will advertise the event to membership via our website and social media channels. Event registration will be hosted on
We will provide a headcount of attendees the Monday of presentation week, along with any dietary accommodation requests. We will also provide a registrant list for each presentation to assist in logging CEU credits. Per AIA CE requirements, presenters should provide an AIA-approved sign-in sheet.
Agreement and Signature:
By completing this registration, I understand and agree to the terms and conditions of the AIA Florida Northwest continuing education presenter agreement. If the presentation is cancelled by the CEU provider, I understand that I am also responsible for any cancellation charges assessed by the venue.